Once upon a time...
There was a little girl who just wanted to be loved.
She wanted to play, to wander and wonder through life.. making friends and feeling good.
At first, she was free and didn't take anything personally.
She saw, sang, dance, played, and learned.
Life was good.
And then one day, something changed. She suddenly saw things through a different lense.
Someone told her she wasn't lovable unless she _____(fill in the blank)_____.
And she believed them.
She started noticing all the ways she fell short.
She judged herself, found herself guilty, and punished herself.
She became a victim.
As she grew up, she found other people to play this game with her, rotating who was the judge, the guilty, the punisher, the victim.
And then one day, something changed. She suddenly saw things through a different lense.
She told herself that she was lovable NO MATTER WHAT.
And she believed it.
She started noticing all the ways she was ok, good, enough, more than enough.
She forgave the people who told her lies.
She forgave herself for believing the lies.
And she lived happily ever after.