There are simply too many women struggling with their weight and body image.

I know, because I was one of them.

Since I was 8 years old, I connected my self-esteem to what the scale said… and 8 is just too young to be worried about dieting!

So, I created a program called “Perfect Fit” because if you have ever put on a pair of jeans that don’t fit anymore, and you want to blame the dryer, and it’s frustrating when you find yourself staring at the open fridge at night.

My program closes the gap between a woman’s self-worth and what the scale says, so she is no longer looking at the scale to tell her how to feel that day.

And when you can easily button your jeans…

You’re free from a life of shame and guilt around food.

Full WidthWith love and respect,

I hope to see you soon!


Holistic Approach to Weight Loss:

A holistic perspective on weight loss, focusing not only on physical changes but also on rewiring the subconscious mind.

Freedom from Yo-Yo Dieting:

Once you embrace these 3 simple and effective strategies, breaking the yoyo pattern and you are easily able to enjoy your amazing body.

Mindset Transformation:

A holistic perspective on weight loss, focusing not only on physical changes but also on rewiring the subconscious mind.

"I finally feel like food is in its proper place. I get to enjoy food while I'm eating and enjoy life in

between. I am maintaining a 30 lbs. weight loss. I know it sounds simple, but to me it's a miracle."


Stuck And Frustrated?

Every day thousands of women make the promise to themselves that ‘tomorrow will be different’. Even though they have been making that promise for years, even decades, they still hold onto hope that somehow this time it’s for real. This time they are in enough pain to make the positive change last.

The only problem is that tomorrow never comes and even if she can lose some weight, she always gains it back. It’s frustrating, discouraging, and self-esteem destroying.

She struggles to feel comfortable in her body and she worries that she is passing down her eating issues to her children / grandchildren. Desperate to get back control, she is willing to try just about anything, but it’s all the same.

The problem isn’t finding the right diet or the right time… it’s in her subconscious mind. It’s the patterns of thinking and old habits that creep up on her when she is busy making other plans.

All she needs is a simple way to change her outdated thinking, rewire her brain, and weight loss becomes easy, simple, and fun.

I have spent the last 14 years helping women change their subconscious mind so they can lose weight and feel great, at last.

And I can’t wait to help you do the same.