Who's right?
Who's right?
6 - I have always struggles with my weight.
9 - Being intentional with my food choices feels pretty good.
6 - Eating healthy is so expensive.
9 - Eating healthy is worth it, and the true price helps me eat the right amount.
6 - This is hard.
9 - I can do hard things.
6 - It's too late for me, I'm set in my ways.
9 - I am still alive, I still have a choice.
The angel and the devil.
Good girl vs bad girl.
Your "negative" side is right, from it's perspective.
Your "positive" side is right, from it's perspective.
Once you stop fighting yourself, you can gain the power of 2 perspectives and be stronger than ever.
* Power Activity - take a moment to consider that positive underlying intention of BOTH perspectives.
Hint: The positive underlying intention of "I have always struggled with my weight" could be... a way to keep you from being hurt by the seemingly inevitable pain of disappointment.